Monday Nov 24, 2014
Monday Nov 24, 2014
Dr. Stewart discusses in this episode his vast experience in treating children on the spectrum since 2002. He gives his personal knowledge and insight into:
-Why boys get autism or are diagnosed more than girls (1 in 20 boys is the latest statistic for autism in boys)
-How to choose the appropriate treatment and how to know when to begin therapy
-What you should be asking your pediatrician before vaccinations
-Blood work you can obtain prior to vaccinating your child
-Where to begin with a nutritional program and why METHYLATION is key to recovering a person on the spectrum
-Diet and how it plays a role in inflammation and recovery
-Genetic mutations that may be associated with autism or processing disorders
-Dr. Stewart's protocol
For information on nutritional products mentioned in this episode visit www.neurobiologix.com and click on the "Autism / Sensory Issues" and "Methylation" categories.
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