Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Autophagy: A Genetic Game Changer
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Listen in as we discuss with Dr. Stewart the explanation and findings of autophagy. He teaches us how autophagy works in the body and shares gene findings that we need to pay attention to.
For more information on genetic testing mentioned in this podcast visit www.GenomixNutrition.com and for nutritional formulas mentioned visit www.Neurobiologix.com.
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Natural Ways to Combat Stress, Pain and Inflammation Naturally (Hemp / PEA)
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Many people look good on the outside but stress could be killing them through a constant inflammatory state. Learn to decrease brain and body inflammation naturally.
In this new episode, we discuss with Dr. Stewart physical stress vs. emotional stress and how they are different. We find out how over time the affects of emotional stress can create disease and health problems. We will also discuss how to help yourself through stressful times through nutrition and potentially finding out your genetic profile that can help you understand why you stress the way you do.
We discuss nutritional elements for stress such as CBD and PEA for inflammation control and low dose Naltrexone.
For more information visit www.Neurobiologix.com for nutrition mentioned in this podcast and www.GenomixNutrition.com for information about genetic testing.
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Can Your Stomach Issues Be Causing You Brain Issues?
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
How much does our stomach health affect our brain health? Listen as how Dr. Stewart explains the amazing connection between the two. We also discuss the following:
- How neurotransmitters affect the bowel
- Choosing the right nutrition to support both
- Maintaining a health gut flora and good brain health
- How the immune system affects the nervous system
For more information or nutrition mentioned in this episode visit www.Neurobiologix.com
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Why Is Everyone Getting Genetic Testing? 8 Minute Overview
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Learn from Dr. Stewart the following:
- Why a provider should have genetic testing on all their patients
- How a patient can use their genetic results for life and show other providers their results
- How nutrigenomic testing is the future of medicine and how, along with bloodwork, can benefit the patient and provider's treatment
- How this type of testing can save patient's money so they do not choose the wrong supplementation
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Gene Mutations & Other Health Markers That Can Hinder Weight Challenges
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
We discuss with Dr. Stewart on this episode the following:
- Genetic challenges that can hinder your weight loss
- How genetics plays a role in being thin or overweight
- The long term effects of weight loss drugs on the brain and emotional center
- Why many people may never lose weight due to health issues
For more information on products or testing mentioned in this podcast visit: www.Neurobiologix.com or www.GenomixNutrition.com
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Why Genetic Testing Prior To Vaccines Is Necessary
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
On this episode, Dr. Stewart discusses how genetic testing can assist parents and adults by having the knowledge on what may be a potential risk or possible future health issue.
We Will Discuss:
- Knowing what inflammatory genetic markers to pay attention to
- How to support genetic weaknesses in the inflammatory genes prior to vaccines
- Is it safe for my child to have vaccines based upon their genetic markers
- Could we reduce the rates of autism by testing a baby's genetics prior to live vaccines
- How can we assist patients who have already been hindered or injured by a vaccine
- The benefits of genetic testing for children and the elderly
For more information on genetic testing for these markers please visit www.GenomixNutrition.com or call (866)500-5388.
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Season 3 / Epiosode 4
Dr. Villanueva is seasoned, both scientifically and experientially in a wide variety of complementary approaches including holistic medicine, natural organic herbs, chiropractic, mind/body medicine, and whole foods-based nutrition. In her practice, she uses these combined with the principles of functional medicine to find the root causes of disorders.
She is a provider that offers nutrigenomic testing and interpretation and shares with us how it benefits her patients.
Dr. V specializes in balancing female hormones, supporting auto immune disorders, type II diabetes, neuro chemical imbalances, weight loss support, genetic defects including MTHFR, insomnia, and metabolic syndrome.
For more information on Dr. Villanueva visit: http://www.austinholisticdr.com/about/dr-elena-villanueva/
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Pre and Post Surgery: How To Get The Best Outcome and Recover Quickly
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Season 3, Episode 4: On this episode we discuss surgery with Dr. Stewart who is a former skull based surgeon.
He shares with us how someone needs to prepare their body nutritionally for the best surgery outcomes. We also discuss how to help yourself recover better and faster through nutraceuticals and other helpful information.
For more information on Dr. Stewart or products mentioned in this podcast visit www.Neurobiologix.com or www.GenomixNutrition.com.
Friday Nov 11, 2016
Inflammation: What is it and how does it affect our health
Friday Nov 11, 2016
Friday Nov 11, 2016
In this episode with discuss with Dr. Stewart the following about inflammation:
- Causes of inflammation
- Why it can be detrimental to your health
- How to overcome inflammation with nutrition
For more information on nutrition mentioned in this podcast visit www.Neurobiologix.com
For more information on testing mentioned in this podcast visit www.GenomixNutrition.com
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
Part 2: Mitochondria - Why Are We So Tired?
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
In episode 11 we continue discussing the importance mitochondria have on the brain and body and how weak mitochondria can affect our energy levels.
- Genetic mutations in the mitochondria pathway (ATP5C1, COX5A, COX6C, NDUFS7, UQCRC2)
- Why mutations in the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex may cause health issues
- How should a practitioner correlate different genetic biomarkers to help a person
- Nutritional support for the mitochondria and why
- How to know if you are affected by a mitochondria weakness
- Without genetic testing how does someone know they may have mitochondrial issues
- Why are the nutrients PQQ and NADH so key in supporting the mitochondria
- Overview of Neurobiologix new formula Mito Cell PQQ
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Does Your Brain Fatigue Like Your Body?: Mitochondrial Part 1
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
- What are mitochondria and what do they do
- Why is mitochondria weakness so common today and why doesn't your doctor talk about it
- What hinders the mitochondria (nutrient deficiencies, toxins, genetic mutations)
- Why are mitochondria polymorphisms (mutations) so common and what does that mean
- What genetic mutations prove that you have an issue with the mitochondria (5 SNPs to look for)
- How methylation & mitochondria are correlated and why you must pay attention to methylation first
- What can you do to help your mitochondria nutritionally
Monday Nov 02, 2015
Learning Disorders: How To Overcome These Challenges
Monday Nov 02, 2015
Monday Nov 02, 2015
- The importance of dopamine and methylation to your sensory systems
- Dyslexia & Dysgraphia - what they are and what you can do about it
- Sensory Integration and how the eyes, ears and muscles are not working together
- ADHD and auditory issues
- How head trauma can trigger a learning disorder
- Testing you can receive after a head injury to support therapeutically & nutritionally
- Genetic biomarkers & mutations that could give us insight into why you may be pre-determined to a learning disorder
- How mitochondria is key to the energy for the brain to perform at its best (Mitochondria genetic mutations)
- Manipulating the mitochondria nutritionally with PQQ and the research about this amazing nutrient
For nutritional products mentioned in this episode please visit www.Neurobiologix.com
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Methylation Mutations & Treatment: Intermediate Level Webinar
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Monday Oct 26, 2015
- What to do when you have a MTHFR genetic mutation
- What genetic SNPs should you pay attention to and what should you focus on first with treatment
- How do you treat someone who does not have a MTHFR but is showing signs of a methylation deficiency
- Why a FOLR 1, 2 and 3 mutation is just as important as a MTHFR
- How do you treat someone who only has their MTHFR test results
- When is the need for methylated vitamins more prominent in life
- Treatment protocols with nutrition and symptoms a person may experience in the beginning
- How to treat someone with symptoms but do not have genetic testing results

Wednesday Oct 07, 2015
Chronic Stress & How It Affects The Body & Mind - Episode 6
Wednesday Oct 07, 2015
Wednesday Oct 07, 2015
Join Special Guest, Radhia Gleis, wellness director from Martin's Compounding and Wellness Centers on Episode 6 of Season 2.
-How stress affects the mind
-How to ease your stress
-Nutritional support to ease stress
-Methylation and stress and how they correlate
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Cold, Flu, Allergies? How Do You Know The Difference?
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015